Changes coming

Back when I created this website, I was single, in college, and without a full time job. Now, I barely have enough time to explore extra curricular activities and even then I still have a host of other things to do. Not trying to boast in how busy I am, but I would like to see some aspect of this website work.

One such experience, is just lately, I receive d a phone call in the middle of of the work day and it was a distant relative who lived in Ohio wanting to send me names for family history and temple work. Though it was the first, I realized that it could be the first of many more other experiences of connecting family members on the web.

A little change to the site is needed to help in a transition to facilitate our busy lives. As such, many of the extra features of the site I will remove due to we simply don't need to have them. Making the site simple a place for people to post who they are and if the use a social media service that they would like to share. More details will be posted after the site undergoes the changes.